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Time: TBD
Location: TBD
Dear friend and fellow parent,
Welcome to Sanity School® for Parents!
Regardless of whatever your 'work' is in the world, you probably see parenting as the most important job of your life. You want to make sure you do it as well as possible. And when you have children with complex needs…everything can feel so much harder!
If you’re anything like other parents of complex kids, you:
- Feel like your entire life has taken a back seat to your child’s issues.
- Dream of success for your child, but worry that its out of reach.
- Regularly feel angry, stressed, frustrated, or scared -- and helpless to change it.
- Live in dread of the phone ringing. You know it is probably the school. Again.
- Waste a lot of time searching for the perfect solution for your child’s challenges, desperate for something that actually works.
If any of these feel familiar,
we understand…
Every parent is faced with tough decisions daily, but when you have a child with complex challenges, like Anxiety, LD, ADD/ADHD, or related challenges, the issues are magnified. You constantly feel overwhelmed, exhausted and powerless.
The guilt creeps in.
“Is it my fault? Am I a bad parent?” Or worse, “Is it my child’s fault? Is she a bad kid?”
The answer is NO!
Sometimes it feels like the tide is going away from you. But actually, your biggest challenge is learning to ride the wave.
The most important thing to learn is that it is not your fault, and you are certainly not alone.
It is heartbreaking to see so many parents feeling lost and isolated, resigning themselves to the worst, and muddling through each day instead of embracing parenting and loving the journey.
We are here to help you through this.
Because truly – it’s going to be ok!
You have what you need to help your kids become the independent, successful people you know they deserve to be -- in whatever way is right for them. All you need is a bit of guidance and training to help you unlock the key.
“But how?” you may cry, “nothing’s worked before!”
Up until now.
You may have tried things before, only to feel crushed, disappointed, or more frustrated than ever. But if you haven't tried Sanity School® yet, then you haven't tried everything! Supported by a community of trainers who are making a profound difference in the lives of thousands of families around the world, Sanity School® will help you (re)discover that life with complex child can be wonderful!
Curious? Read on…
Presenting to you – Sanity School® Live:
Your Ultimate Guide to a Peaceful Family!
Sanity School® Live covers six lessons that radically improve the lives of parents dealing with children with complex issues like ADHD, Anxiety, LD and related challenges. Research has shown that with this reality-based training, reinforced by coaching and support, parents coping with complex kids become more confident and calm, and their kids' behaviors begin to improve.
In this special program you will learn:
- Six Key Challenge Areas Facing Parents of Complex Kids
- The Parenting Action Model for handling ANY challenging situation
- How to plan strategically using the 4 Critical Response Areas
- How to Activate the Brain, Parent Positively and Set Realistic Expectations
- When to use Systems & Structures so they’ll actually work!
- How to model self care to teach your child self management, and so much more…
At the end of these 6 lessons, you will:
- Notice that your child is happier and less frustrated – and you are, too!
- Understand HOW you can help her grow into a mature, responsible adult
- Experience less guilt as a parent, confident that you are doing all you can to help your child
- Reconnect with your child and have a great relationship once again
- Gain clarity about next steps to effectively guide your child to independence and success
- and SO much more!…
Sanity School® is divided into 6 lessons. Here’s a detailed look:

Lesson 1
Parenting Complex Kids with a Coach Approach

5 key takeaways:
- Focus on your intentions for the program and what is most important for you to create lasting change for your family.
- Learn the fundamentals of how to take a “coach-approach” to parenting, using the communication skills and strategies from the world of coaching to more effectively raise your complex kids.
- Understand when to focus on Prevention vs. Management when situations start feeling out of control.
- Take a marathon view to managing all the issues your kids are facing. You can’t do everything at once, and you’ll learn the importance of pacing yourself for best results.
- When we parent from a feeling of desperation, our kids feel our stress and urgency. Parenting from inspiration invites your kids to enjoy their childhood and foster strong relationships.

Lesson 2
Activating the Brain

5 key takeaways:
- Learning and attention challenges tend to have a basis in the brain, making it a great place to start when looking for effective solutions for management.
- In order to activate the brain, it helps to understand specific aspects of Executive Function and how those challenges show up for your child.
- When you can identify the difference between naughty and neurological behavior, you can understand your child’s motivations and develop solutions that work long term.
- There are 7 different ways to engage the brain to optimize its effectiveness.
- Stress management enhances our ability to parent as calmly as we’d like, and our kids’ ability to perform to their potential.

Lesson 3
Parenting Positively

5 key takeaways:
- All the research is clear on this point: taking a strength-based approach to managing complex challenges creates a stronger family unit and fosters individual success.
- When we look to what is going well, we tend to find clues for how to turn around difficult situations. Solutions for challenges are always found in other successes.
- When we create an environment that allows for human error, our kids are able to learn from their mistakes and take risks for personal improvement, instead of avoiding mistakes to make sure they’re never “wrong.”
- Everyone gets triggered sometimes. It’s how we handle things when we’re upset that makes a difference in our relationships, and in how we teach our kids to manage things when they get upset.
- When you look at your kids’ challenges through the lens of compassion, you’re able to better understand their experiences and ultimately encourage them to reach for their own success.

Lesson 4
Shifting Expectations

5 key takeaways:
- Learn how to set realistic expectations for your kids, so that you know when to support them, and when to let them do things on their own.
- When you take a disability perspective, you take into account all of the circumstances around your child’s challenges so that you’re able to set clear and fair expectations.
- Assuming best intentions allows you to play to your child’s strengths and work together as a team.
- Setting realistic expectations helps you teach your child to advocate for himself or herself, a key element to future success.
- When you clearly communicate expectations, there are fewer surprises, and you provide a structure that fosters independence.

Lesson 5
Using Systems & Structures

5 key takeaways:
- Learn how to put systems in place that are going to work for your child and the whole family.
- Identify strategies for getting your child’s buy-in and participation in the development of successful structures.
- Understand the importance of using motivation to help your child find purpose and success.
- Review your role and responsibilities as a parent for each stage of your child’s development.
- Learn how to identify why some strategies don’t work, and how to tweak them to find ultimate success.

Lesson 6
Completing the Action Model

5 key takeaways:
- After any action, success includes evaluating your efforts in a way that can include your kids in the process.
- Learn to use the three magic questions that can guide you in evaluating your efforts and making improvements.
- Understand the relationship between your own self-care and teaching your kids to take care of themselves.
- When you seek allies and ask for help when you need it, your kids will learn to ask for the help they need, too — and be willing to accept it.
- Learn the critical components of fostering resilience, for yourself and your kids.
As you complete 2 exercises in each class, plus learn a minimum of 8 – 12 new strategies in each, by the end of the program – you'll be at the beginning of a brand new you!
Connect with Parents who "Get It"
Sounds great, but how much is it going to cost me?
As a parent of a complex kid, you have a lot to learn – and you need to learn it in a way that works for you. The coach-approach taught in Sanity School® Live has been proven to be effective – and the whole program was designed to be both affordable and accessible.
Many of us who are teaching Sanity School® Live now have been serving parents in different capacities for many years. We all wish someone had been there years ago to tell us then what we know now – it would have saved years of tears, tantrums and emotional wreckage — for us and our kids! When parents say to us, “I wish I’d found you years ago” we usually answer, “so do we!”
We want as many families as possible to have the chance to benefit from the incredible tools and techniques shared in Sanity School® Live. That’s why it’s important to us to be as budget friendly as possible. Money shouldn’t be an obstacle to learning what you need to raise a happy, healthy family!
Sanity School® has been offered as an online course for several years and continues to be available in that format, and that works for a number of parents.
But some parents really want to walk into a room and be with other parents – and Sanity School® Live allows that to happen, while still taking advantage of all of the pieces of the online program that make it so affordable and accessible!
It's the best of both worlds. Sanity School® Live combines training with coaching AND support, because that combination makes an enormous difference. But it doesn't have to come at an enormous price!
The price for Sanity School® Live is:
$497 $374
About your Trainer:
I remember the first time I met a fellow mom who understood what I was going through with my complex family. It was 2011 and my two complex kiddos were 9 and 5. My 9-year old had already been through several years of occupational therapy for torticollis and sensory processing disorder. She also was navigating life with anxiety, reading delays, and ADHD. My youngest, was putting bold and italics on the H, on what would soon be identified as ADHD.
I was brought to tears from relief, finally not feeling alone in the world. Until that moment, I hadn't understood how alone I felt. I had been trying to hide -- to myself and others -- how hard life was and how angry, maxed-out, and lonely I had become. My husband worked long hours and traveled. In my mind, I thought I should know what I was doing as a parent. After all, I had spent nearly ten-years studying child development as a Montessori teacher.
Meeting that mom was the first step on my conscious journey as a mom of complex kids. She provided me with community, comfort and helped me advocate for my children. I still felt that I could make everyone's lives easier if I could simply learn the "right" systems and structures. I poured my entire self into my children and the other complex children at my children's center. It left me with little energy for my husband and myself. My stress remained high. Not only was I not sailing my life's ship, I was barely keeping it from sinking!
My children were struggling. I was struggling. And when we moved to Georgia in 2014, I knew something had to change. By that time, I had discovered that both my husband and I had our own complex neurological needs. It explained so much of our childhood and the difficulties we were having. We had created systems and ways to manage our lives effectively until we needed to also manage our children's lives.
At a networking event, I found two missing links that helped me float what felt like a sinking ship: an understanding of the neurological component of complex individuals and coaching.
Through coaching, I learned self-compassion and the ability to focus on strengths, both my own and those around me. The discovery of a strength-based approach allowed me to realistically dream and design a way of life that led to better relationships and more ease for my family and me. I discovered true power in starting with the mindset that everyone, including myself, is naturally creative, resourceful, and whole
In working with families, I have discovered that we all benefit from space and support, from drawing insights around our daily lives, and from trying and practicing new tools. I'm excited to be part of a team of coaches at ImpactParents that is dedicated to supporting parents committed to expanding their toolbox and improving their family dynamic.
- Certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
- Master of Science in Positive Psychology with Coaching (Life University)
- Certified by Life University coach training program
- Certified Sanity School® Trainer and Licensee with
- Private coach for parents of complex kids at
- Certified in Compassionate Integrity Training (Life-CCSIE)
- Certification in Neurofeedback Training (BrainCore & NewMind)
- Committee Chair for the International Coaching Federation Georgia Chapter
- Founder, Ready for Reboot – Coaching for Success and Wellbeing
- Founder, That Brain, Body, Mind Place – A collaborative, co-working space
- Provide corporate mental health coaching via Boon Health
- Sixteen-years of experience working with children and their families as a Montessori Educator, including owning and operating Misty Morning Children's Center, a NAEYC accredited, Montessori based program

Attend live classes (& get video recordings for back-up).
Make a difference for your child – and you!

- Participate in 6 engaging lessons where you will learn tools, techniques, and strategies for tackling complex issues with confidence!
- Learn in a community of peers guided by a supportive, certified and licensed trainer.
- Enjoy the chance to share challenges and learn from other parents and your trainer - live and in person.
- End the isolation and join a compassionate community that understands your struggles -- without judgment.
- Miss a live session? No problem! Access pre-recorded lessons online at any time.
- Enjoy more benefits beyond the in-person sessions: 3-month access to monthly Parenting "Office Hours" calls with a coach; access ImpactADHD's private online parent community; stay on track with weekly "Sanity School® Scoop!" emails packed with resources.
Time: TBD
Location: TBD
Terms and Conditions: We do this because we love seeing parents and their kids succeed. It is an extraordinary experience to watch parents transform their families and empower their kids. And we are 100% committed to your success. Your commitment is important to the success of this program and there are no refunds for non-participation.

For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
This highly acclaimed program teaches strategies that work, and helps you turn information into action. Hear what others have to say:
The Parent-to-Parent Promise
We really hope that you’ll take advantage of the opportunity to let Sanity School® Live transform your family life! We know it probably all sounds too good to be true, especially if you feel like you have already tried everything!
But here’s the thing. If you give a little bit of your time to learn from a Certified Sanity School® Trainer -- and from the other parents in your class — the results for your child’s future and your sanity will be astounding.
We promise it will be the best time you’ve ever spent to become the parent you want to be.
Exhausted? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? Tired of dealing with this stuff?
Get ready to change that! It's time to get some help … so you can help your kid!
With all our heart and soul,
The Trainers of Sanity School® Live
P.S. If you have read this far, then chances are you are feeling the pull and wanting to give it a go. All we ask is that you don’t procrastinate – decide you are worth it now!

Profound change made simple
6 lessons and unlimited positive changes to your child's life, (not to mention yours) that will last a lifetime. You will be amazed what a small investment of your time now can do for your whole family in the long run.

In your Community
Attend classes Live in your community, and reinforce the learning with recordings of all sessions. Sanity School® is designed for the busy parent you are. No stress required!

From parents, To parents
Our personal understanding of what it’s really like to have kids with complex challenges is at the heart of our coaching. We understand what you are going through, and know that big changes are for you AND your whole family.
Here are some common questions you might have:
Q. What do I get when I join the program?
A: As a Sanity School® parent, you will:
- Receive training in taking a 'coach-approach' to parenting, delivered in 6 incredible, live, interactive classes
- Learn invaluable tools, techniques and strategies for tackling complex challenges with confidence!
- Learn in the comfort of a small group of parents, ending the isolation in a judgment-free zone
- Have access to video recordings so you can re-watch or listen while jogging, driving, cooking or (our favorite) in the tub!
- Have access to monthly Parenting Office Hours Q & A sessions for 3 months
- Have access to our private online members forum, another way to meet fellow parents and discuss your experiences — confidentially.
- Receive weekly accountability emails, ‘Sanity School® Scoop!’ with links to articles of note and special tips
Q. How is this different from other parent training programs?
A: Sanity School® is a concentrated program that includes a combination of training, coaching and support, and teaches a "coach-approach" to parenting complex kids. In addition to "positivity" and "strategies," which are covered in most parent training programs, Sanity School® covers issues specific to complex kids – like "activating the brain," shifting expectations without lowering them, and how to create systems and structures that are really effective for complex kids.
Consider it a crash course for a newbie, or a refresher course if you are a seasoned veteran. Truly, any parent with a complex child is welcome. We have made it our focus to ensure that this program hits on the most important things a parent of any complex kid needs to know. No messing around – we get right to the point!
Q. Who is your Sanity School® instructor?
A: I can remember the first time I met a fellow mom who understood what I was going through being part of a complex family. I was brought to tears from the relief of finally not feeling alone in the world. She held space for me as I learned the ropes of my family’s complex needs.
Fast forward 10+ years as the owner and founder of Ready for Reboot and That Brain, Body, Mind Place, I hold space for others as they learn the ropes of their own lives and embrace that everyone is naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. As a Certified Life Coach trained in positive psychology, children’s development, compassion integrity, and brain science, I look forward to helping you learn about, practice using, and expanding your toolbox through offering Sanity School Live® in Marietta, GA.
Who created Sanity School® and what makes it so special?
Diane Dempster and Elaine Taylor-Klaus are certified coaches, the co-founders of, the authors of "Parenting ADHD Now!" and the creators of Sanity School® for Parents and Sanity School® for Teachers. Widely recognized as a "voice for parents" in the world of ADHD and Complex Kids, they are regularly approached by national resources such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, Attention and ADDitude magazines, and other national press. They are sought after presenters at regional, national and international conferences. ImpactADHD® and its programs are on the cutting edge of innovation:
Diane and Elaine developed Sanity School® to fill a clear need. While behavior management training for parents and teachers is a first-line recommended treatment, prior to Sanity School there was no "basic training" course designed specifically for working with children with ADHD and related challenges that was broadly available to parents or teachers. After tweaking and testing Sanity School online, informed by research, Elaine & Diane decided to train other professionals to bring this coaching-based behavior management training program into local communities. |