What is Sanity School® Live?
Adults all over the world want to effectively support children and teens with difficult issues such as ADHD, anxiety, LD, and related challenges. But more often than not, they don’t know how. This is why adult-administered behavior therapy, also known as parent management training or behavior management training, is recommended treatment for children with ADHD.
According to the CDC, “PARENT TRAINING* helps parents better understand their child’s behavioral issues and learn parenting skills specific to these problems.” The American Academy of Pediatrics explains, while parent training programs share a set of principles, "individual programs introduce different techniques and strategies to achieve the same ends.”
Sanity School® is a training program that teaches techniques and strategies from the evidence-based practice of professional coaching. Behavior management training strategies are taught to parents and teachers of children and teens with complex challenges. Practical training using a coach-approach teaches adults how to motivate complex kids, leading to more confidence and success for both children and adults.
Sanity School® , which is recommended treatment for children with ADHD and related challenges, is now available online and in select local communities. It is the only management training program on the market specifically designed to teach the coach-approach to working with complex kids.
The Sanity School® program includes access to:
- 6 incredible lessons where you will learn invaluable tools, techniques and strategies for tackling complex issues with confidence.
- Access to coaches in Live Q & A calls twice monthly for three months
- A private, members-only online community to meet others and discuss your experiences — confidentially.
- Weekly ‘Sanity School® Scoop!’ emails with links to articles of note and special tips

Here’s What Sanity School® Live Participants
Have to Say:
Who and Where in the World are the
Sanity School® Licensed Trainers?
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to find a local Sanity School® Licensed Trainer
or scroll down below:
Rebecca Johnson MD, ADHD
Executive Function Coach at "You've Got This Coaching"
Rebecca took a leave from the practice of medicine early in her career in order to raise her two children. Instead of returning to the medical field, she found fulfillment in being engaged in her community and her practice of Spiritual Direction.
For her “second act” she felt drawn into the field of coaching, where she can draw on her previous life experience, offering compassionate presence, deep listening and asking powerful questions to help individuals struggling with ADHD create the change they would like to see in their lives.
Rebecca is certified through the International Coach Federation and is a graduate of the International ADHD Coach Training Center. She is a wife and proud mother of two amazing ADHD adults and feels very grateful to live in the wondrous landscape of Alaska. Her passion is supporting parents who are struggling to confidently parent their unique and complex children.
Julie Janorschke, M.S. Ed
Julie Janorschke, M.S. Ed, is a Certified Life Coach through the International Coach Federation and owner of Move Forward Coaching, LLC. She provides coaching and consulting services to students and families with ADHD/Executive Function Challenges. Julie has four sons and credits personal experience as the catalyst for becoming a coach.
Because of her personal experience with parenting complex kids, she is passionate about empowering parents that are struggling with similar issues. As a Certified Sanity School® Live Trainer, she is excited to share Sanity School® with parents and teachers in the Northwest Arkansas area.
Tracy Lefebvre, MSPP
I can remember the first time I met a fellow mom who understood what I was going through being part of a complex family. I was brought to tears from the relief of finally not feeling alone in the world. She held space for me as I learned the ropes of my family’s complex needs.
Fast forward 10+ years as the owner and founder of Ready for Reboot and That Brain, Body, Mind Place, I hold space for others as they learn the ropes of their own lives and embrace that everyone is naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. As a Certified Life Coach trained in positive psychology, children’s development, compassion integrity, and brain science, I look forward to helping you learn about, practice using, and expanding your toolbox through offering Sanity School Live® in Marietta, GA.
Georgia Fruechtenicht
Special Education Parent Mentor, Newnan, GA
Georgia Fruechtenicht is the Special Education Parent Mentor for Coweta County Schools and the mother of two complex teenagers with challenges including Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, and Learning Disabilities. A graduate of Wofford College and the University Of Mississippi School Of Law, Georgia has been a trainer for Parent to Parent of Georgia, the American Disabilities Act Network, and Spectrum Kommunity Inclusion Project.
As a certified Sanity School® Trainer, Georgia helps parents who are feeling isolated and overwhelmed to feel calm and connected. Sanity School® guides parents to manage their child’s challenges so they can become successful, independent adults.
Mary Moody
Trained Executive and Life Coach as well as
Owner, Life Re-imagined LLC, Fairburn, GA
I’m a recovering yelling mom of a complex teenage son who found her sanity attending Sanity School® Live. After working for 27 years as a human resources professional, I launched my own coaching/consulting practice, Life Re-imagined LLC, in 2019 and wanted Sanity School® to be one of my offerings.
I’m excited to be a certified Sanity School® Live trainer for both parents and teachers and can’t wait to share the content that helped me so much!
Yuzu Byrne, Professional Organizer & Cheryl Susman,
ADHD Coach, Northbrook, IL
Yuzu and Cheryl know first hand the challenges of parenting complex kids.
Yuzu Byrne, Professional Organizer, specializes in working with individuals and families with ADHD and other emotional and psychological conditions that make it difficult to organize their life and space.
Cheryl Susman, Educational Therapist and ADHD Coach, helps parents and adults living with ADHD reduce stress, boost confidence and bring out the best in themselves and their families to create the family life they want.
Yuzu Byrne, Professional Organizer - As a business owner, Professional Organizer, and a mother of a teenager and a young adult with ADHD, my life gets pretty chaotic. I now know that I am not alone and it is possible to improve the quality of your life, spend more time on what you love, and enjoy positive family life. I am very excited to share what I have learned from Sanity School® with parents with complex children in our community.
I earned a BA in Communications and an MS in Human Resources and Industrial Relations. My education and work experiences honed my skills in relationship building, managing, coaching, mentoring, and training.
Cheryl Susman, MA, MBA, ET/P, COC, ACC, Professional Educational Therapist and ADHD Coach - A mother of three kids with ADHD and related challenges, I struggled to keep up with the demands of my family, devote energy to my work, and find time to take care of myself. As an Educational Therapist and ADHD Coach, I was able to navigate my children’s needs in the school system, but as a parent, I felt isolated and conflicted.
As a Sanity School® Live for Parents Trainer, and mother of now three complex young adults, I gained knowledge and experience that helped transform our family. I’m passionate about the coach approach to parenting and excited to support other parents to make lasting change in their families.
Michelle Philemon
I am a medical-device specialist, nurse, and a mom who enjoys sports, exercise, movies, and time with my family. I have a wonderfully complex child with ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and social communication disorder. For years, I struggled to understand why my child’s challenges went far beyond focus and why traditional parenting techniques failed me and my child. With my research-based mind-set, I needed to understand the complexities of these diagnoses completely and discovered ImpactParents.
After participating in Sanity School® for Parents, I finally understood what it meant to have a complex child and how to use non-traditional techniques in parenting. The program helped repair our damaged relationship, restore my joy for parenting and subsequently regain my sanity! My enthusiasm for this program brought me to you as a Certified Sanity School® trainer and I am so excited to bring Sanity School® Live to the Tri-state/Southwestern Indiana area!
Melanie Sobocinski, PhD, ACC, ADHD Coach
& Professional Organizer
I’m a proud member of the ADHD tribe, parent of an ADHD kid, voracious reader, recovering academic, and now certified Sanity School® trainer.
After getting bored with the tenure track, I launched a professional organizing business and pursued coaching credentials. I did my best to hold things together as undiagnosed ADHD took an ever-bigger toll on the kids and adults in our family. When we finally had a name for what was going on, we looked for targeted help, and found it at ImpactParents.
Of all the interventions we’ve tried, Sanity School® made the biggest difference. That’s why I’m so excited to bring Sanity School Live® to Southeast Michigan!
Kelly Biltz
Kelly is a Certified ADHD Life Coach at Loving GrADDitude where she specializes in helping parents with practical life strategies, applications and solutions to help partner with their children. She coaches teens who need support with time management, prioritizing and executive function challenges, so they prepare for the high school and college years successfully.
Kelly was trained at the International ADHD Coach Training Center (CALC) and is working toward her credentialing from the International Coach Federation. She is thrilled to be your Licensed Sanity School® Trainer! Learn more about Kelly at https://lovinggradditude.com or contact her at Kelly@LovingGrADDitude.com.
Katie Lombardi
Katie Lombardi has been a Developmental Consultant for the YMCA of Central Ohio for the last 17 years. She is also the proud mama of three wonderful children: 1 son and 2 daughters. Both of Katie's daughters struggle with anxiety and her youngest daughter has been serviced by an IEP since 1st grade. Katie is excited to be joining the ImpactParents family as Certified Sanity School® Trainer.
Jean McIver
What exactly is controlled chaos? That was my life. As a mom of 7 complex children in a blended family and as a teacher with complex behavior classrooms, I went from one tumultuous environment to another. As a teacher, I had years of training in behavior management but none of the plans seemed to work for extended periods of time and NOTHING worked at home. Then I discovered Sanity School® for Parents.
After 6 weeks of classes, my life slowly began to have harmony. In my classroom, I created behavior plans with the children that targeted areas of need and they lasted. With my family, though not perfect, we were headed in the right direction, together…AND we liked coming home. When ImpactParents opened the opportunity to teach Sanity School® for Parents LIVE I knew that I had to provide other parents of children with complex behaviors, alternatives and plans that allowed harmony in their homes.
Kate Barrett, ACC, ACG, ADHD Coach
& Educator
I'm a proud parent of two kids with ADHD, data geek, serial volunteer, CHADD Parent to Parent Trainer, and certified Sanity School® trainer. I left the business world to dedicate more time to navigating a family full of ADHD and began my journey toward coaching credentials. I'm excited to bring Sanity School® Live to Charlottesville!
Amy Voros
Amy Voros, PCC, is a compassionate and understanding coach whose life experience as a complex kid (2E, severe food allergies, asthma, etc.) informs her work as a coach and a Sanity School® for Parents trainer. She is passionate about guiding parents to find their own path to success with support, ideas, materials, and the reminder that they are not alone! A life-long Seattleite, she appreciates the powers of sun, community, insight, and understanding.
Catherine Mutti-Driscoll, M.A., PhD,
Certified ADHD Life Coach
I am the parent of at least one complex kid (so far) and a complex adult myself (though I didn’t learn that I had ADHD until 37!). After receiving parent coaching for 3 years, I feel passionate about supporting parents while they work to show up effectively for their children each day. My ADHD life coaching practice, Seattle ADHD Coaching, is located in the Ballard neighborhood of North Seattle.
Jodi Green, ADHD Coach, Hawthorn
Jodi Green is an ADHD Coach based in Melbourne, Australia, where she offers coaching and support programs to parents of children with ADHD and related issues. Jodi draws on skills from her first career in engineering as well as her second as a spiritual director, parent-trainer and ADHD coach.
Jodi’s passion is work with you to grow your understanding of ADHD, embrace its challenges, and clarify the attributes of the parent you want to be, all so you have the freedom and skills to nurture your child towards success.
Tanya Hamdan
Tanya is a Certified ICF Parent Coach, a Certified Sanity School® Trainer, and a mom of three.
She has pursued a path of coaching and training because she is driven by an inner-passion of empowering others and helping them find peace and happiness. She has helped many parents of children with difficulties to overcome frustration and guilt and start practicing self-care.
Tanya provides live and virtual training as well as one-on-one, group and online coaching. She is super excited to be your trainer for Sanity School®.
Cecilie Flo Jahreie
Cecilie Flo Jahreie is trained as an educator, earning her PhD from University of Oslo, Norway. She is a certified NLP Master coach, and Sanity School® (Rolig & Harmonisk) trainer. She is also a mum of children with ADHD, so she translates proven science into the practical solutions you need for the family life you want.
She is the founder of ADHD-Veilederen AS, offering coaching and online courses designed specifically for parents of children with ADHD.
Shelley Farnham
I am the parent of a child diagnosed with ADHD and also work with such children in education. I am trained as a primary school teacher but have always been passionate about working out how best to help children with complex needs. I have also run Kumon Maths Centres where my focus was always to help children to improve their maths skills by firstly improving their confidence and building on their strengths to establish a good relationship. Sanity School embodies these beliefs perfectly and I am excited to bring it to the parents and teachers of complex kids in the United Kingdom.
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About The Creators of Sanity School®
Diane’s Story
As a professional in my late-thirties, I was the “get-it-done-woman.” Known for my tenacity and achievements in the corporate world, I hit every pitch out of the park… until ADD came along!
As the reality of raising two complex children (and being married to a complex adult!) set in, I realized I needed to make some changes, for my family – and for me. It marked the start of a lifelong journey of growth, acceptance, and compassion.
Like any challenge I’d overcome in my professional life, I thought I could tackle ADD with sheer willpower and hard work. I became Super Mom, getting everyone up and moving in the morning, making sure homework was done at night – and managing everything else in between. A walking, talking Executive Function machine!
It worked, too. For a while. As I poured more and more of myself into my family, I had less for work, less for my relationship with my spouse, less for myself. Super Mom became Short-Tempered, Stressed, Resentful Mom. I felt like I was losing myself. Nothing worked, from yoga to anti-depressants. I realized I needed to make some major changes.
Through coaching, I was able to regain confidence in myself. With a strong spiritual connection and the tenacity I thought I’d lost, I redefined “Super Mom.” Now, especially as a single Mom, with two crazy teens, I know that it means honoring my own needs and taking care of myself with as much compassion as I do my family (and as much patience!).
When I’m coaching clients, I use an “inside-out” approach. When they connect to a positive vision, and identify roadblocks that are impeding their journey, they can overcome and thrive. First inside, then outside, as that energy and awareness impacts every aspect of their lives.
Elaine’s Story
When my daughter was just two weeks old, she started to scream.
It didn’t stop.
As other kids passed childhood milestones, she struggled to master simple life skills.
The years to follow were filled with occupational therapy, vision therapy, everything therapy it often seemed. Instead of forming friendships, she changed schools again and again. She carried the heavy, lonely burden of not just one life-changing diagnosis, but three: ADHD, anxiety, and learning disabilities.
I was desperate for community, for help. My daughter, thankfully, had a great therapist who provided her with guidance and support. Honestly, I couldn’t help but think: “What about me?!” I knew I needed to do something. I just had no idea what.
So many parents of kids with ADHD seek help for their kids, but rarely for themselves. When I discovered coaching, I finally realized that all the negative emotions I had been experiencing were pointless.
My entire life changed completely when I sought help for me, and also got my own diagnosis of ADHD – which explained a lot!
Suddenly full of a new hope and purpose, I went back to school and earned my coaching certification. Why? Because that coach saved my life! I wanted to provide that same compassion, understanding, and light for all those other parents who were “off the radar” too. They would have a community; they would never have to feel as alone and desperate as I did.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my experience, it’s this: It’s hard to help your kid — or yourself — build a strong, healthy life if you start with a shaky foundation. I needed to strengthen mine and parent from a place of hope and optimism, not fear and anxiety. My life’s purpose is now to help other parents build a solid foundation for their families.